Our last day we got to take advantage of the opportunity for Michael to see a doctor who specializes in dizziness. She felt he had a form of vertigo that can be caused by a small stroke. It can usually be corrected with specific movements of the head to reposition crystals in your inner ears. Today, she did one side, and she'll do the other side in a couple of weeks.
No, I am NOT making this up. (Google "BPPV" if you don't believe me!)
Top 10 Things Michael Won't Miss About Cottage Rehab (with Apologies to David Letterman)
10. The guy sitting next to you at breakfast has his left hand resting in his scrambled eggs.
9. Getting stool softener, whether you need it or not.
8. The Nurse's Aid leaning over you to check your Blood Pressure just finished a plate of spicy enchiladas for lunch.
7. Tasteless mashed potatoes and gray gravy with every meal.
6. An alarm tab attached to your shirt at night that pulls out when you roll over and screams like a fire alarm, giving you a heart attack.
5. Having at least 3 people be alerted to your bodily functions, in detail, with viewing privileges, at all times.
4. The guy sitting next to you at lunch just hocked up a lung.
3. The 5 a.m. blood draw, whether you need it or not.
2. Sounds like the incessant dinging of a call light being ignored by the nurse's station; the clanging of metal trays being dropped; the midnight cocktail party at the nurse's station across the hallway; the banging of the waste baskets as they change them...at 1 a.m.
AND #1. The guy sitting next to you at dinner has his left hand resting in his mashed potatoes and gray gravy and his right hand resting in his applesauce.
AS WE LEAVE REHAB, WE MURMUR OUR FAVORITE FOND FAREWELL (coined on our first "Phase Two" trip outings to restaurants):
"See Ya, Suckers!"
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry