On the top, Michael's all bundled up, but on the bottom, he's celebrating the warmer weather by wearing gym shorts.
Surprises Galore: Saturday...
Therapy sessions on Saturday here runs light and - surprise! - Mr. B. was not signed up for any therapy sessions Saturday. So someone got to sleep a lot (it wasn't Patricia). Yet, there was still time for surprises.
It was not a surprise that sister Karen came in on Amtrak from San Diego late Saturday, and brought with her a gift of several needed and requested wonderful soft, long sleeved T-shirts. Though she did surprise her bro with homemade brownies, which he tremendously enjoyed. Good job all around, Karen!
But it was a surprise that, before she came, Michael had an upset stomach in the morning (which was better than outright nausea) and achy shoulders all day (a new complication of left arm having previously hung heavy and right arm being over used for pulling forward in bed).
Patricia, whose card now reads "Medical Detective," continued her problem-solving for the morning tummy upset - and figured out that Michael's given way too many meds in the morning after breakfast, which, in this case, had way too much sugar (blueberry pancakes with syrup) to be substantial. (If Michael wasn't nauseous or dizzy, he says he would be able to work harder at his Rehab Recovery - and knowing him, I know it's true, which is one of the reasons why I try so hard to solve this.)
A quick conference with the adorable Dr. Ross, an extremely personable doc with the charm and expertise to play one on TV, resulted in at least one of the meds being moved to evening. A Maalox chaser helped Michael, as did a little pain med for the shoulders.
After Karen showed up, Mr. B. began to suffer from what he later dubbed SGS - Severe Grumpiness Syndrome - and actually had to apologize a couple of times for biting our heads off and chewing them soundly.
Another weekend challenge was to count Michael's calories for each meal. Dr. Shapiro (who would play the experienced, irascible older TV doc with a forced bedside manner) said he would remove Michael's stomach tube Monday morn if no canned food was needed all weekend. The goal was 500 calories per meal minimum - and Michael was with the program, eating extra bites of the highest calorie stuff (per printout) and drinking whole fat milk to top it off.
It was no surprise that we successfully caloried Michael up and totally expect that tummy tube to be ga-gone first thing tomorrow morning. (And the extra benefit will be that Michael can eat more now, I'm thinking.)
Sunday, Sunday...
It was a surprise that when I reminded Michael that his dad was coming to visit today, Michael asked me to call him and see if he could come another time, as Michael felt overwhelmed to have both Karen and Bill at the same time (even though he'd said yes earlier). Sometimes, how Michael feels surprises even himself. Thanks for understanding, Bill.
It was a good surprise today that Michael's stomach discomfort was cut by half, with one less pill and the pills taken closer to a breakfast. Dr. Alexander, Medical Detective here!
Yes, it was the Superbowl today and it was on the dining room big TV, but - surprise - Michael was barely interested because - no surprise - it was noisy, crowded and hard to follow. And the TVs in the room don't cut it.
But the really big surprise came later today when an aide asked to talk to me in the
Poor Kim, who lives in Santa Ynez with her teenage son, had slipped on a freshly polished floor, and broke her ankle in two places.
Later, Kim and Michael and Karen and I got together after dinner. What fun to hear their stories! They were each other's first sweethearts when they were only 18 - and had stayed friends for years. Kim and Karen remembered each other, too.
Okay, someone. What are the odds?
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