Thursday, January 7, 2010

Michael Burgos Recovery: Day 15 ICU

What a day of dizzying ups and disturbing downs. Michael's free of the tube and displaying confusion,anger and frustration, Me? I'm utterly emotionally spent.

Michael's tube came out at 10 a.m. THANK GOD, and now it's a whole new set of challenges. His frustration at not being able to talk clearly or be understood matches my own at not being able to understand him. He's still fuzzy-brained, of course, and it's confusing to know how much he gets and doesn't get.

He beckoned me to come closer and then tried to rip off my protective mask with great anger, which was startling and upsetting. I tried to explain why we have to wear the blue paper gowns and gloves and masks, but I had to walk away and compose myself and let him be.

Dr. Prier, the Infectious Diseases doctor - who we adore - says if Michael doesn't have a temp of more than 100 over the next 24 hours, we may be able to dispense with the protective gear, tho the stuff Michael coughs up that is suctioned is still active with Swine Flu.

Leslie came and sat with me while the kidney dialysis started up, and since the nice guy doing it was going to sit there for 3 hours, I took the opportunity to come home and sleep. I woke up after two blissful, dark, beep-and buzzer-free hours, and it took me a full minute to remember where I was, despite being held down by a small black cat (a very attentive Valentine).

Leslie went back at 6 pm and let me stay home a little more. I'm about to go back now, but wanted to start this blog spot so I can post daily and from my Blackberry and anybody can check it out (it's hard to attach 25 email addresses to each email I send. I'm so grateful so many people are following our saga and holding us both up in prayer and this will enable me to continue the reports without so much labor).

Please feel free to add your comments for all to see. They are so welcome, as are your continuing prayers and healing energy.

Gotta go - more later. Love you all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the updates Patricia and this blog was a good idea, we all appreciate it! I'm happy you are there taking care of Uncle Mike, I can't wait to see him soon and am SOOO happy that he seem to be progressing! Tell him hi and that I love him very much! xoxo Christina