Thursday, January 7, 2010

first Night no Tube: Blackberry Blog Tryout

OK - watch my thumbs fly!

Mr B is Very disoriented,definitely in an altered reality. He pointed to a nearby rolling table and said (fairly clearly_ "What's for dinner?" He then told me there was bread and cheese on the table! Yes, he's hungry - and while that's so healthy and wonderful, we can't give him food or water yet because he can barely swallow and could aspirate or choke. We do have a wet, cold swab that comforts him. He also wanted to "send Patricia to go get dinner --- I'll buy" The nurse and I laughed in surprise and then I was filled with joy as I realized it was the first time in his incoherant mutterings that he'd said my name.

I'll go fetch dinner soon, my darling...soon.

They switched him to the 2 nose prong oxygen mask, the face mask was so uncomfortable. Everything's slowly getting better. We begin several days of accessment - he's still in danger of being tubed again if we hit a breathing set-back.

It's all about him not getting agitated and short of breath.

At my request, they gave him a small amt of anti-anxiety med to calm him but his drug tolerence is so high now, it doesn't appear to do much. I darkened the room and put Liz Story piano sleep music on. Ahhh, now his eyes have closed and his breathing gentled.

Tomorrow they access his swallowing and speech. There may be food and conversatipn ahead...

I want to thank you all for your emails and calls - please know I can't get back to everybody specifically right now, but your contact and encouragement means a lot to me. I even got to read some of your emails to Michael the other day when he was tubed and he nodded at each one until he dropped off.



Unknown said...

I hope you're sleeping deeply as I write this, sweetheart. It's about 5:30 AM your time.

Best news in so long! I am very happy for both of you, and grateful that you've had such wonderful support with the hospital staff--they are the true heroes of every endangered life, the nurses, the orderlies, the PAs, the volunteers. You're lucky that you've not been in a major bustling monster hospital--in your hospital, you get fabulous care with the concern and attention that are so crucial to each patient's proper recovery.

I hope today is filled with successes and accomplishments as Mr. B gains ground--whatever you do, don't eat a steak in front of him! :) He'll be eating his favorite foods soon enough.

Love you both....

Maura Raffensperger said...

What a wonderful idea to use a blog to keep us updated. I had no idea Michael was ill until your email arrived - I'm adding my healing thoughts for you both.

Unknown said...


Strength, love and patience to you.

Do keep in mind: Healing is not linear; the journey will be winding. Michael's fortitude and the support that he has from so many will get you through this.

Yes, many blessings to the heros at Twin Cities Hospital.

Call for anything, anytime, day or night.

Much love,

Mary Rose

Patricia! said...

Thank you for all your kind and encouraging words. Mary Rose, I needed to hear what you'd said about healing not being linear. We have indeed taken one step back every time we take two steps forward. It's wearing and a slow acid drip on hope. Your words will help me reframe the journey.

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