Monday, January 11, 2010

Mr. B. Being Flown to Stanford in SF for Procedure

Stanford said yes to doing the procedure on our Michael's lung lesion - and he will be heliocoptered there as soon as they have a bed available - could be Monday morning or even a few days later. But he is knocked out and safe in la-la land, stable - and even with improved blood gases (oxygen to the lung).

His sister Susie and dad Bill are driving up here in Paso Robles early a.m., so Bill can see Michael before he's airlifted. Then Susie and I will drive up to Stanford in my car together, for which I'm grateful, as I'm a little unsteady at this point. They may keep Michael up there or do the procedure and send him right back to Twin Cities Hospital, so we have to be prepared to stay an indefinite amount of time. (Also, grateful to my brother Russ who has taken root in the house, saving me from fetching mail, feeding cat, while taking care of me when I'm home.)

Special thanks also to our friends, Leslie and Rory, who spent time with Michael when he was awake and delirious (he told them fantastic stories) and brought me warm El Pollo Loco. I sucked the meat off that drumstick like a hungry pirahana, I was so hungry for protein! I AM trying to take care of myself - I'm just losing the battle a bit.

And lovely Leslie came over Sunday night with her massage table and gave me a much needed massage. And then Shelene, who stroked my hair and helped me pack, made me promise I'd go to sleep afterwards - which I did for a little. As you can see, I'm up again, restless, paying bills, printing mapquest and writing here. Now I'll try to sleep again.

On a lighter note, I must tell this hilarious story about Michael. Thursday, when the tube had come out and Michael had rested, Dr. Ramnath (from India originally) came in and said, "Do you know where you are?"

Michael, bless his heart, looked at him for a moment and then said, with complete sincerity, "A third-world country?"

Oh, my God! I almost fell down! The doctor didn't even crack a smile, as he, frankly, has no discernible sense of humor. But I proceeded to tell the story to the nurses all day, and they laughed heartily.

Keep praying...


Unknown said...

"A third-world country" - Patricia, that had me laughing/crying, that odd double source of feeling. Leave it to you, dealing with all of this, to close with a joke.

So glad that you have all of this support.

Sending prayers and loving thoughts your way. Thinking of you.



Unknown said...

Hello, Patricia from New York...
I have been talking with Bill and Mom daily and am so glad to have found your blog (Michelle sent me the link). Your words are encouraging, refreshing, and despite the challenges Michael is facing, you have a warm thought to share which is so wonderful. Tell Michael that we have him in our thoughts and he is very fortunate to have your love and support. Hospitals suck. (Sorry, that's the New Yorker in me). Michael will probably never eat anything green or red and mushy again! I am anxious to hear how the trip to Stanford goes, so please keep talking to us. You are a ray of sunshine. I am also glad to hear you are getting some rest. Michael needs you, so do take your own words to heart and take care of yourself too. Write again soon. Please.
Much love,

Unknown said...

thank you patricia for all the updates, i love knowing what is going on with my Uncle Mikey wherever i go. Im so glad you're there with him surrounding him with love and encouragement. Tell my Uncle Mikey i love him and get well soon. Julianne xoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

Hi Patricia,
Thanks for doing all that you do!!!!! This is my first visit into the blog you have set up and what a great help this is for all of us who can not be there. Information is priceless when you cant be there to see and ask how things are, you are our info. life line keep up the great work. Sent love and lots of positive energy to be deliveryed today via Susie. You and Michael are in our daily thoughts and prayers.
Lots of love,
Cas & Family

Patricia! said...

Thank you all. Your comments make a big difference for me - and it helps to know this blog is being read, followed, and appreciated.

Hospitals do suck. This has put me off hospital dramas for the rest of my life.

Patricia with ICU Psychosis