Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Michael's Walking into the 2nd Week of Rehab!

One of the pictures above is Michael working the hand petal machine (work that left hand!)

One is Michael sleeping in the warm snuggly blanket I got him (rest, Sweetie, rest!).

And the other is step up training with Erin the Physical Therapist (lift that foot!).
Yup, he's walking - or at least beginning to. (Maybe at this rate we won't be here another three weeks????)

Looking forward to Wed morning's swallow test. Michael and I are both craving pancakes!

He has gained about a pound and a half - so at least we know the food got calculated correctly.

And I got cleared today for helping Michael in and out of the wheelchair, which gets easier daily with his growing mobility and strength.

(Sorry, Bill, I didn't call you today - the day got away from me.)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous blanket! It looks so cozy and snuggly--you are the best, sweetie. And high fives to Michael on all the progress--and on the weight gain. Hey, Michael, you can have five pounds from me anytime, buddy, just come on over! They're all yours, no charge! :)

Have a great day, guys. <<>>