Monday, February 15, 2010

Mr. B.'s Eating Out; Touring New Rehab

Above are real photos of Michael thoroughly enjoying food in places that are NOT Cottage Rehab!

One's my hotel room, with a hot fudge sundae (and 3 cherries) and the other is Stacky's in Summerland, with a real, NOT digitally inserted, French fry and our fav turkey Ortega sandwich. (Best Valentine's Day ever splitting that sandwich with him, like old times!) Mr. B. bragged he'd only eat ONE French fry; I bet he'd have to eat at least 4: I won the bet! Hey, we ordered a small fries to share and left 7/8 of it. Who DOES that? This is no time to limit oneself to one fry...

Transitions galore!

It's been difficult to post here because I'm with Michael in a whole new way now that he's in his right head and we've both been cleared for travel. Not complaining, mind you.

I'm just tired in a different way when I do get back to the room. I don't have much left and am desperate for sleep.

My sweetie, being the sweetheart he is, tried to impose an 8:30 curfew on me so I'd get back to the room earlier in the evening - but we both have trouble observing it. We start cuddling in his narrow Rehab bed and I get all peaceful and dozy. Before we know it, it's 9:30, then 10.

RESTRICTIONS REMOVED! No more shrieking "Tab" alarm clipped on him at night. No more being belted into the wheelchair. No more aspiration precautions. No more soft foods only. No more walking only with staff - Patricia qualified. No more stuck in Rehab!

Today we get a tour of Solutions (all Rehab/no hospital) in Goleta, where we'll be for 3-6 weeks. We transition Thursday morning. Everyone together now: YAHOO!

SWEET TIME OF US-NESS. Michael and I feel so much in love. We're keenly aware of the gift we have in each other. And Michael's being a sophisticated communicator about how we can get through this sometimes tricky part of healing and transition without our relationship taking a hit.

I respect him so much. I tell you there's nothing better than being with a trained Marriage and Family Therapist, with high communication skills, who's in touch with his "feminine" energy - but is 100% heterosexual!

Gotta jet. Promised my guy a bagel.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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