Doesn't Mr. B. look just like himself? Only with a professorial beard?
Oh, yeah - and a tracheostomy.
That's okay - we like the trach! With the tube out of his mouth, everything's getting better faster, just as they said it would. You know what he did as soon as they released his restrained hand (which would have otherwise pulled that nasty mouth tube out)?
He scratched his nose vigorously! And then he rubbed his eyes like a child with a fisted hand. And then he ran his hand over the top of his head. I hadn't thought about it before: all the constant comfort that comes from being able to touch your own face.
These few days have been filled with "crazy miracles," as his sister Susie put it. First, Michael's rebounding strength, in spite of the new torture and frustration of not being able to talk (which comes later, when he's safe for a different insert in the trach). After all the drugs, he constantly moves his lips, carrying on a constant silent monologue, but doesn't yet have the presence of mind to play a consistent game of charades or over-enunciate so I can read his lips. I have to slow him down, and try to get him give me a concept first.
Since I have so many points of reference from our life, and because of our love bond - plus it doesn't hurt that I'm into puzzles and Sudoku - sometimes I can make an intuitive leap and come up with what he's trying to communicate with very few clues. When I do, it's incredibly gratifying for both of us.
One of our crazy miracles was when PT (Physical Therapy) began Wednesday, and Michael totally grooved on it! He's been working with a personal trainer at the gym for the last 6 months, so he's psychologically prepped for following their instructions and putting forth a hard effort. Honestly, we don't have to worry about his left leg/arm - he can move them with a few tricks from PT and will do so better and better given have a chance.
It was so cute. After PT left, Michael wouldn't stop. He just kept exercising his right leg and arm. And later that day, he wanted Leslie and I to work his legs again like PT did.
Okay, now I have to tell you about our BIGGEST miracle. Through our "magic" language, Michael had asked me to promise him he would get well. Susie and I felt he needed lots of reassurance he wouldn't be connected to machines forever.
Well, the nurses had all been telling us for weeks about a guy who had been in here before Michael for 6 weeks who had all the same things he did: Cancer survivor who didn't get a Swine Flu shot and then got H1N1, Double Pneumonia, ARDS (completely congested lungs), and a Stroke. Only this guy had a heart situation, diabetes and had coded. And he got well, moved on to a month of rehab, and then back to his full life.
So I thought it might encourage Michael if the guy might be willing to come in and talk to him. I asked the nurses if they would call this fella. Well, just as they were looking for his phone number, HE AND HIS WIFE WALKED IN!!!! They had come to the hospital for some post tests and came up to the ICU to say hi to the nurses. Coincidence? Sorry. With all the powerful prayers going up, I'm going with God's perfect timing.
(Hey, it's 9 pm - Michael has clearly indicated he's ready to go to sleep and wants me to go home and get some sleep. So I'm closing down the laptop and I'll resume at home. Please check back later when I finish this - sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger...but check in later for the juicy details!)
(Okay, now it's 2:45, and I'm finally home. Michael started on tummy tube food and got a blood transfusion and began feeling odd, so I stuck around until I knew he was safe and we could finally get him to sleep. You'll have to wait on Part II - but I'll get there!)
What awesome news, Patricia! Michael looks REALLY great! (Tell him Margo said to remind him that he only needs one digit to give being in the hospital the finger!!!) That is really a great pic. I think that God can take some credit, but you and the family's love and support (fine, we do have to give the hospital some credit) are overwhelmingly tremendous contributors to his rehabilitation and remarkable improvement and recovery. Thank you for keeping us in the loop on this chapter in your life. It's obviously brought a lot of you closer, which can only be a good thing.
Much love and anticipation of more fantastic news,
I just read this up date. The good news, and the picture of Michael are the best birthday present I could ask for! When should we come visit? Thank you Patricia and Michael, I love you guys!
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