Michael and I met about 90 people here in the last day and a half - or, at least, it feels that way. All part of our "team," because Rehab is truly a coordinated group effort.
It was rough on Michael yesterday, as he was underfed what with transport, then the doctor having to read Michael's gi-normous file (10x thicker than our book!), then issue new orders for his tummy tube feeding. Add to that, multitudes of people coming by for evaluations and introductions.
Today, his first full day here, he was weak. He rallied for the morning therapies, then tired quickly - and was understandably grumpy, a reaction that's been admirably rare.
(Philosophical Sidebar: It's kind of interesting to see people when they've been stripped of all normal conditions and "rebooted," the way Michael has been. 98% of this whole time, even when he just had his eyebrows and one hand to express himself, Michael's been pleasant, polite, witty, teasing, affectionate, intellectual, philosophical, and even enthusiastic. No wonder we all love him!)
By noon, I had talked with Michael's dietitian and she had willingly increased his calories. One of the differences between ICU and Rehab is that he's not on a continuous slow feeding bag; that won't work with all the physical therapy sessions, plus they want to emulate meals so he can eventually transition to the act of eating a quantity of food at one sitting. We can't wait for that!
So they put TWO cans of liquid food in his "feedbag" at lunch instead of one and our poor boy thought he was "gonna blow at both ends." His body settled down after an hour, but it exhausted him - and the rest of the therapy day was canceled. (We're now trying 1.5 cans, waiting 30 minutes, then ve-r-y slowly giving him the last bit so he can digest and absorb more slowly - and it's working.)
Tomorrow we all think he'll have more energy and they'll space out the therapy so he gets more rest in between. And I gave everyone a book, so they're all super thrilled to be working with the authors. (Hey, every little bit of special attention helps!)
Gratitudes: Big thanks to Michael's dad Bill, who visited today and is generously covering my hotel costs. Along that line, I'm also grateful to Cottage Hospital for giving me someone's cancellation so I could stay in one of six old, but sweet cottages they own a block and a half away, for long distance family. They only charge $25 a night - but they only let you stay for three nights. But it will help, since after that, I know I won't get as good a rate...
And hugs to my dear friend of 35 years and mother-outlaw, Margaret Kerry-Willcox, for her cute note and the gorgeous plant.
Closing Happy Thought: Tonight, Michael got a therapeutic massage and his first shower in probably 40 days (and before, this was a guy who often had two anti-stress showers a day). He looked like melted butter in the bed and completely ready for more healing sleep. Me, too, sweetheart.