This handsome young man is our 4-month old grandson, Liam, sending his "Gran-B" - the name Michael consented to rather that Grandpa or Grandfather - and that Liam almost got right - his best wishes.
I was able to print up the photo at home and tape it to Michael's Get Well Wall after he saw it and reacted with the proper "Awwww!" Michael has only seen Liam once and I have only seen him three times since he was born, but my son Mike and daughter-in-law Nicole have been wonderfully diligent about sending photos to my Blackberry, so I could keep up with Liam's amazing growth. It always lifted my spirits right out of the ICU to see my grandson's picture.
And soon, I'll be able to hold and snuggle him - because it will be so much easier for them to visit from Port Hueneme when we're in Santa Barbara - which is when, you ask?
Could be tomorrow....
Could be Tuesday....
Personally, I'm betting on tomorrow. If so, Michael will be taken in a transport ambulance around noon from Templeton to SBA and I will follow in my car, loaded with our suitcases and essential the Get Well Wall - which will travel to his room at Cottage Rehab nicely.
Physically, I feel better, not 100%, but human again. I went in and spent the day with Michael, who told me I looked cute in my velour jogging suit - which tells me he's definitely getting less loopy!
We had a quiet day. Michael ably directed me in the best way to shave a guy's neck (hot washcloth to soften the hairs). And he asked to be in the wheelchair to go around the hospital again - and was intensely interested in visiting the coffee cart. (I think he was hoping for coffee and a bagel.) But Jon's not there on Sunday, so I didn't have to explain AGAIN why he still couldn't have real food - except for the 23 other times he asked for some. Poor baby!
I made sure my explanations kept leading us back to our doing the voice box and tongue exercises the therapist left us to strengthen his swallow. Michael was gungho and we practiced several times. I'm sure he'll do better next time we get a swallow study (maybe in SBA).
His white blood cell count was back up to 17.4 - but there's been no fever, and the doctors can not find an infection or solid reason for it. He had two gall bladder tests yesterday, since he has some stones, but there's no infection or sensitivity there. They're running a poop test tonight - and then we're plum out of things to test! His sisters Karen and Susie and I think maybe it's just part of this process of getting well.
Hopefully, the liaison from Cottage Rehab will agree - because it's her call as to whether Michael is ready for transport. Tune in tomorrow, folks!
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