Whoa! Things are moving fast!!!
Hold those cards and flowers to the hospital - Michael's unplugged (almost) and tomorrow - Thursday - we may be heading to Santa Barbara Cottage Rehab.
The trach came out this morning! All that's left is the stomach peg with the food. They say with the trach out, his swallowing will improve. The hole in his throat should heal up in only a couple of days and the gauze over it still allows him to talk.
Yesterday he sat in a chair for 40 minutes (a big deal) for the first time. At the end, his blood pressure swooped down and he felt nauseous - but they say that's normal for first day in chair.
Gawd, I don't miss the cacophony from hell of those machine alarms and bells! All he's hooked up to now is the food bag. And yes, he's still loopy.
He turned to me the other night, and in a totally normal voice, said, " Wanna split a beer?"
I grinned. "Desperately, my darling, but we're not quite there yet."
More later...
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