When Chris and Amanda walked into our room in the ICU, it was a magic moment. We had a few nurses and respiratory people who piled in, as well as sister Susie and our friend Leslie, and the room quickly took on a party atmosphere.
Chris and Amanda told Michael all the things Chris had gone through - including coding and being in a coma - which, thank God, we managed to skip. Chris showed Michael the trach scar on his neck and moved the arm that had to come back with physical therapy. To look at Chris, a big strapping guy, a Templeton-based welder with two small children, you'd never know what he and his wife had gone through.
Michael was all grins throughout and I just leaked tears and asked a million questions. When Chris had gotten his speech and brains back, he and Amanda had compared notes and realized that he often tried to communicate something that seemed perfect in his mind, but didn't come out that way when he tried to move his lips or gesture. He also couldn't write on a grease board or point to pictures or words, even tho he could see them. Now we knew how Michael felt.
During all the heavenly havoc, Michael was gesturing wildly to me. I knew instantly he wanted me to give Chris and Amanda one of our books, which he confirmed with a nod. Then Michael imitated writing. He wanted me to dedicate it to them. I grabbed our felt pen and one of the books I always kept in the room to give to all who came our way (I think we've inundated the hospital with The Book of Comforts now!).
I began writing. A few minutes later, Michael was wildly trying to get my attention, and we had a funny moment when I said to him, "Did you want me to dedicate this to them?" He nodded. "Then shut up!" I said. He held up both hands in mock surrender and we all burst into laughter. (It felt so good to banter with my sweetheart - so blessedly normal.)
We had Chris sign Michael's black high top tennis shoes (used to keep his feet from getting "foot-drop," a shortened Achilles tendon from being in bed too much). They turned to leave and once more Michael gestured wildly, pointing at Chris. Everyone looked at me for interpretation (I speak Michael). "You want Chris to come back over to you?" He nodded, then pointed straight up. "You want him to pray with you?" He nodded.
"Hey, Chris," I asked. "You a prayin' man?"
Chris and Amanda shared a look. "We are now!" came the answer.
Chris held Michael's hand and wasn't sure how to pray out loud, so I led a prayer and the whole room stilled as we all joined together in gratitude to God for Chris and Amanda's miracle timing and all their encouragement. When I finished, Michael indicated Chris. "Say something," I encouraged him.
"I don't know what to say," he said shyly.
"Just say 'God bless you, Michael,'" I suggested.
"God bless you, Michael," Chris said, "and may you have a complete recovery very soon."
We all said AMEN and there were hugs all around. When they left, and the room cleared, we felt pleasantly exhausted from all the emotion...and very, very grateful and filled with the sweetness of new hope and our very own miracle.
(If anyone wants to glance at the blog Amanda started, it's at chrisvanhuss.blogspot.com.)
1 comment:
Hello Patricia,
Just want to let you know that we have been following michael's progress. The entire Our Lady of lourdes church community has him in the prayer circle and a candle remains lit for him in the school office. this is a wonderful, constructive thing you have done with this blog. Thank you so much and much love to both of you! Jeannette (Cas's cousin)
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